
Why is Baseline Water Supply Sampling Important?

Why is Baseline Water Supply Sampling Important in Oil & Gas Operations?


Environmental due diligence and audits play a critical role in ensuring compliance with regulations and minimizing ecological impacts. NTG Environmental, a subsidiary of New Tech Global, specializes in providing comprehensive environmental solutions. One essential aspect of our services is baseline water supply sampling. In this blog, we will explore the significance of baseline water supply sampling and highlight a relevant case study from McMullen County, Texas.


Understanding Baseline Water Supply Sampling


Baseline water supply sampling is the process of collecting and analyzing water samples from nearby water sources before commencing any drilling or fracking activities. This crucial step serves several important purposes.


Environmental Due Diligence:

Conducting baseline water supply sampling helps companies like NTG Environmental assess the current state of local water resources. This information is vital for understanding the potential environmental impacts of oil and gas operations.


Regulatory Compliance:

Many regulatory bodies require baseline data to be collected and analyzed before granting permits for oil and gas activities. Ensuring compliance with these regulations is essential to avoid costly fines and legal repercussions.


Risk Assessment:

It provides a baseline against which any future changes can be measured. If contamination or depletion of water resources occurs, it can be attributed to specific activities, and responsible parties can be held accountable.


Case Study: McMullen County, Texas


To illustrate the importance of baseline water supply sampling, let’s take a closer look at a real-life scenario handled by NTG Environmental in McMullen County, Texas.


NTG Environmental’s team encountered a significant challenge during the field reconnaissance for a Pre-Drill Environmental Site Assessment. They observed the presence of the Texas Tortoise (Gopherus berlandieri), a state-listed threatened species, at the proposed well site. This unexpected discovery had the potential to cause substantial delays to the client’s drilling schedule.


In response, NTG Environmental took swift and proactive measures. We applied for a Scientific Research Permit through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. This permit was essential because state-listed species like the Texas Tortoise can only be handled by individuals with said permit.


Within just three weeks, NTG Environmental returned to the proposed well site with an approved TPWD permit. Their experienced team safely relocated the tortoise(s) to a suitable habitat. While this relocation did result in minor delays, it prevented any harm to the protected wildlife and ensured the client could proceed with their drilling operations without violating any environmental regulations.


This case study emphasizes the unpredictability of environmental challenges in oil and gas operations. Without proper baseline assessments and proactive measures, such as obtaining the necessary permits, the consequences could have been far more severe, including potential legal issues and damage to protected wildlife and the company’s reputation.


Have Questions?

In conclusion, baseline water supply knowledge is critical to environmental due diligence and audits. NTG Environmental’s experience in handling unexpected environmental challenges, as demonstrated in the McMullen County case, underscores the importance of being prepared and proactive when it comes to protecting the environment.  By working with experienced environmental consultants like NTG Environmental, companies can navigate the complexities of environmental compliance and minimize the potential risks associated with their operations.  Have questions about baseline water supply sampling?  Contact our team of experts today!  We would love to discuss your business needs and, more importantly, how we can help your business win in the oil and gas industry.