Pipeline Safety
NTG Environmental provides pipeline safety management and compliance services to gas and hazardous liquid pipeline operators of jurisdictional (i.e., regulated) pipelines required to meet federal and state pipeline safety regulations and rules.
- Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals
- Emergency Plans
- Damage prevention and public awareness plans and management
- Integrity Management Plans
- Operator Qualification (OQ) plans, training, and certification
- Prepare and submit reports & permits
- RRC audit and inspection management and representation including pre-audits/audits
- Prepare and manage federal and state pipeline audits
Pipeline Mapping
NTG Environmental provides pipeline mapping services as required by federal and state regulations and for operator’s use. NTG Environmental can provide pipeline mapping in the following formats:
- ArcGIS Shapefiles
- Google Earth kml/kmz
- AutoCAD
- Hard Copy
Federal and State Permits
Following a site assessment or at the request of a client, NTG Environmental provides preparation and management of federal and state pre-construction and/or operating permits and associated documents applicable to a pipeline project, which includes the following:
- RRC T-4 Pipeline Permit to Operate a Pipeline in Texas
- RRC PS-48 New Construction Report
- RRC PS-79 Application for a Permit to Construct a Sour Gas Pipeline
- RRC Protection of Groundwater Determination
- RRC (land) /TCEQ (water) Permit to Discharge of Hydrostatic Test Water
- TCEQ Water Master / River Authority Withdrawal Permits
- TGLO Miscellaneous Easement Agreement
- FEMA FloodPlain Permit (generally through county floodplain administrator)
- USACE Permits
Pipeline Right-of-Way Assessments
Pre-Construction Site Assessment
NTG Environmental conducts pipeline ROW pre construction site assessments to identify and evaluate environmentally sensitive areas such as wetlands and Waters of the United States (WOTUS) to provide a background for planning and/or federal and state permitting.
Due Diligence
NTG Environmental assesses current environmental conditions on a pipeline ROW and regulatory compliance with applicable federal and state regulations and rules for acquisition, divestiture, and asset financing.
Gas Plant Support
NTG Environmental prepares and manages the following for gas plants and facilities with NGL production
- Preparation of RRC (land)/TCEQ (water) discharge permits including quarterly reporting
- Preparation of USEPA Risk Management Plan (RMP) and associated documentation
- LDEQ Chemical Accident Prevention Program (CAPP) Registration

Water Quality
& Natural Resources

Environmental Due Diligence & Audits

Site Assessment & Remediation