


Steps Toward Sustainability in 2023

Steps Toward Sustainability in 2023

Sustainability in 2023 In 2023, business sustainability is the subject of many executive meetings and reports.  Naturally, as a business proprietor, you want to find ways to increase the chances of your business not only surviving but thriving well into the future. ...

5 Benefits of Oil and Gas Industry

5 Benefits of Oil and Gas Industry

The oil and gas industry is the lifeblood of the United States.  Not only does it power our transportation industries, but the thousands of byproducts of oil and gas production are utilized to create many of the products we use on a daily basis.  Other key benefits of...

How Oil and Gas Fuel the Holiday Season!

How Oil and Gas Fuel the Holiday Season!

With the holidays now in full-swing, the oil and natural gas industry is working harder for you now than any other time of the year!  In 2021, the U.S. consumed 134.83 billion gallons of finished gasoline and transportation accounted for 67.2% of the total petroleum...

Oklahoma Air Quality: The New GP-OGF And What it Requires

Oklahoma Air Quality: The New GP-OGF And What it Requires

UPDATE: The Air Quality Division of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality issued an updated General Permit for Oil and Gas Facilities (GP-OGF) on July 1st, 2022. This new permit will be required for facilities operating under the previous version of the...


EPA’s Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule

EPA’s Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule, 40 CFR Part 98, requires reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from certain industries in the U. S. The rule does not require control of GHG emissions. Under the rule, Subpart W applies to the petroleum and natural gas industry segment.

Overview of Proposed New Source Performance Standards

Overview of Proposed New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 60, Subparts OOOOa, OOOOb, and OOOOc

Notice C-141 Process Updates

The New Mexico Oil Conservation Division (OCD) released a notice as to updates to Form C-141. Attached to this email is that notice, including additional attachments and figures totaling 111 pages. According to the notice, the Form C-141 is being updated to include the addition of 16 new incident statuses and a completely digitized version of the C-141. This release is the first phase of several, but is claimed by OCD to likely include the biggest change to current operations. Additional phases will focus on refinement and include new submission pipelines for C-141 applications.

This is a replacement of the document previously posted on the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) website titled “Procedures for Implementation of the Spill Rule” released September 6, 2019. The 2019 document is no longer valid.