Behind environmental remediation is a single premise: protecting human health and the environment from the effects of contaminants in the environment. Site assessments are conducted to assess the presence and extent of contaminants in affected media. Once assessed, remedial strategies using practical cost-effective approaches are implemented to protect human health and the environment and achieve regulatory compliance.
Here at NTG Environmental, we are proud to offer professional Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), remedial action plan development, and remediation implementation oversight to mitigate environmental liabilities and achieve regulatory compliance. Our ESAs meet the US Environmental Protection Agency’s All Appropriate Inquiries criteria and associated ASTM E1527-21 and ASTM E1903-19 standards.
Phase I ESA
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment’s (ESA) are typically conducted to assess liability associated with the acquisition of assets. The ESA consists of conducting a field review of physical asset locations and performing a comprehensive corporate, state, and federal records review to assess regulatory compliance. Findings of the field and records review are documented and summarized in an ESA report to provide an assessment of the potential environmental liabilities associated with the assets. In the event of potential subsurface impacts may be present, a Phase II ESA may be recommended to further assess the potential liability.
Phase II ESA
We perform both small and large-scale Phase II ESA’s ranging from isolated releases to field-wide environmental impact investigations, whether impacts are from a recent spill or historical releases. Characterization strategies include using various sampling methods, including hand augers, direct-push probes, hollow stem augers, and mud rotary drilling units. From here, we will provide you with an identification of cleanup objectives and the cost and feasibility evaluations for potential remediation strategies.
At NTG Environmental, we aim to work as quickly as possible to characterize the site conditions and help identify the situation on your site so that it may be addressed cost-effectively and efficiently. If you and your company are interested in our services, we would love to work with you to help guarantee your work environment is safe and allows you to reach your goals.