Water Quality and Natural Resources
NTG Environmental’s team of scientists and professional engineers are recognized experts in completing Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plans, biological and natural resource surveys, wetlands determinations, site assessments, and other NEPA compliance support for private and public sector clients throughout the US. To inquire about water quality and natural resources, reach out to our team of experts for a consultation.
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) regulations aid facilities in preventing discharges of oil into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines and mitigating discharges promptly, should they occur. A key element of SPCC regulations requires facilities to develop, maintain and implement an oil spill prevention plan, referred to as a SPCC Plan. Not all facilities are subject to SPCC regulations and NTG Environmental can help clients determine their applicability. SPCC plans require certification by a Professional Engineer and are reviewed annually with recertification every five years. Other services offered include annual inspections and SPCC training for field personnel.
Wetland Determinations
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act prohibits unpermitted filling of “jurisdictional waters of the United States,” but a permit can take more than a year to process. NTG Environmental aids our clients by pre-assessing proposed well pad and surface facility locations as well as pipeline corridors to identify wetland areas that require a permit and/or confirm the absence of wetlands. Diagnostic characteristics of wetlands include hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology as defined by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Wetland determinations allow our clients to avoid and/or minimize impacts to potential jurisdictional wetlands prior to commencing construction activities. When regulatory approval is required, NTG Environmental will prepare and submit applicable delineation reports and mitigation plans along with permit applications to the USACE. We act as a liaison between our client and regulatory officials to obtain permits in an efficient manner.
Wildlife Habitat Assessment
NTG Environmental’s wildlife biologists have extensive knowledge and experience managing threatened, endangered, or special status wildlife species issues for both private landowners and oil/gas operators. NTG Environmental conducts threatened/endangered species surveys and monitoring activities, as well as provides management recommendations and options. Other threatened/endangered species related services include assistance in preparing formal cooperative agreements with state and federal agencies and obtaining permits for the removal of a protected species from an area of interest.
Baseline Water Supply Sampling
With the potential for environmental impacts associated with oil and gas exploration and production activities, the industry is becoming proactive in determining baseline conditions in areas where regulations do not yet exist. Baseline water supply sampling provides our clients with documented water supply quality prior to their activities commencing and enables detection of possible changes over time to water supplies in their areas of operation.
Stormwater Discharge
The Clean Water Act and associated federal regulations may require operators that clear, grade, and excavate locations to obtain coverage under the US EPA or an authorized state agency’s permit for stormwater discharges. As part of the permitting process, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) may be required to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff leaving a site. NTG Environmental can evaluate a site’s applicability to the regulations and prepare permit applications with all supporting documentation.

Case Studies
McMullen County, TX
During field reconnaissance for a Pre-Drill Environmental Site Assessment, NTG Environmental personnel observed the Texas Tortoise (Gopherus berlandieri), a state-listed threatened species, at the proposed well site. In order to prevent unnecessary delays to our client’s drilling schedule, NTG Environmental applied for a Scientific Research Permit through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Wildlife Permits Office in Austin, Texas. State-listed species may only be handled by individuals with a Scientific Research Permit obtained through the TPWD. Within three weeks, NTG Environmental returned to the proposed well site with an approved TPWD permit to safely relocate the tortoise(s). Our client experienced minor delays, but was able to use the proposed location without impacting protected wildlife.
Oklahoma and Texas
NTG Environmental developed and is continually updating a database of water supply sources and analytical results within 0.5-mile radius of a client’s current and proposed assets. The database enables our client to be proactive in understanding the water supply quality in their areas of operation.

Environmental Due Diligence & Audits

Site Assessment & Remediation

Air Quality
ESG / Sustainability
Regulatory Compliance
EH&S Management